Sorting out the protocols and existing guidelines and those already being applied by the big leather brands. Selecting the best of all of these in every field and developing new ones in those areas where they don’t exist. Drawing up a document that sets out the agreement between brands and suppliers on issues involving chemicals in the leather sector of the fashion industry. This is the working schedule arranged in three phases for the CLEAR project (Confidence in Leather Analysis Results), the working group set up by UNIC to bring together tanning companies and fashion industry players. There is no shortage of issues to deal with. At the second meeting, held on Thursday 13 in Milan, the participants in the working group discussed, among other things, management of the sample (from preparation to the type of analysis required and its traceability), the methods of analysis and interpretation of the results, as well as the limits of responsibility of the tanning industry as regards the chemical life of the leather product and the relationship with analysis laboratories in the event of controversies over “non-conforming materials.”
CLEAR: the roadmap to the shared document on leather chemicals