Corichem are about to carry out a few relevant investments. The company, headquartered in Sarego, in the province of Vicenza, is a leading manufacturer of chemical solutions in the leather tanning industry: they are now expanding their own manufacturing site to meet the market growing demand. “Our new pavilion, which will extend across 7,000 square metres, is going to rise up right beside the areas where we are currently developing our work – pointed out President Pierluigi Braggion –. We are going to relocate the logistics sector to the new spaces, whereas the plant formerly running will be fully dedicated to our production line: our aim is to enhance it by implementing an additional one, which will actually enable us to redouble our manufacturing capacity”. Thanks to such activity reorganization, we shall manage to carry out a non-stop production while making smoother its cycle: raw materials get in from one side, undergo processing and, at the end of it, get out through another side. In doing so, we will be able to prevent a continuous movement. Investments and development will go hand in hand with a few projects focused on environmental sustainability: in fact, they will install, on the roof of the new plant, a photovoltaic system; in addition, they are going to renovate and modernize thermic power generators, therefore making more efficient heating and refrigeration systems. Works are due to come to completion by the end of September.
Corichem to build a new pavilion while aiming to redouble manufacturing capacity