Lanxess, a top manufacturer of chemical solutions, most of all directed at the tanning industry, was honored with the Innovationspreis für Klima und Umwelt (IKU) 2017 prize, an award in acknowledgement of their commitment to innovation in terms of climate and environment. At the award ceremony, which took place in Berlin, German Secretary of State, from the Ministry of Environment, Jochen Flasbarth, and Holger Loesch, deputy general manager of the German industries Federation, personally conferred the prize. With regard to “Environmentally friendly products and services”, Lanxess was awarded since they developed an innovative technology to recycle residual materials deriving from leather processing. Liaising with Invite, a research institute headquartered in Leverkusen, the German company created a modular plant to manufacture a re-tanning agent, named “X-Biomer”, resulting from tanning waste and residual materials, which were bound to disposal so far, and vegetable biomasses. The plant is currently available for tanneries.