In the third quarter of 2018 Lanxess group’s sales have been increasing by 4% on annual basis, as their overall turnover reached 1,7 billion euros. The multinational corporation, specialized in chemicals, pointed out in their financial statement that such positive outcomes derive from stability in the prices of raw material, “which are still rising, though less volatile compared to 2017”. As for the group’s unit in charge of chemicals for the leather tanning industry (Performance Chemicals), it is facing – report from Lanxess – a “weak situation”: growing prices (+2%) are offset by decreasing sales volumes (-8%). In other words, the leather business must deal with a few “challenges underway”. Looking at the first nine months of the year overall, Lanxess revenues have been going up by 11%, therefore reaching 5,4 billion euros; conversely, from January to September the trend of Performance Chemicals has been negative (-7%).
Lanxess enjoys a quarterly boost, not the chemicals for tanning division though. The leather market is “challenging”