Lanxess launch themselves into e-commerce. Products made by the German chemical company, specialized in the manufacturing of chemicals for tanning, can now be purchased, together with the ones made by other manufacturers, through CheMondis, a new B2B platform, launched by Lanxess. The start-up platform, headquartered in Koln and accessible by entering, makes a direct connection between the manufacturer and buyers, therefore giving the opportunity to supply and purchase its own chemicals. The new platform project began in 2017: following a close development phase, implemented by dealing with selected clients, CheMondis started working online while presenting on display around 500 products manufactured by several suppliers. “When we worked on the development of CheMondis, we steadily focused on our customers’ demand and requests – pointed out Sebastian Brenner, managing director of the start-up business –. The result we have achieved is a highly innovative and reliable online market where chemicals can be sold and bought”. Just a few weeks after the platform launch, over 200 companies have already registered: “We strive hard to put together a deep knowledge of the chemical industry, alongside a start-up mindset and high proficiency in technology”, wrapped up the German manager. Matthias Zachert, chief executive officer of Lanxess, pointed out that “developing new business models and strategies is a key factor which goes hand in hand with our digitisation project”; on top of that, “CheMondis is a digital market that specifically addresses chemical industry demands”.
Tanning chemistry opens to e-commerce: Lanxess launch CheMondis online platform