A gallery of images chronicles the signs out of Lineapelle NY

A gallery of images chronicles the signs out of Lineapelle NY

Lineapelle NY’s signs are ones of avant-garde. Or, rather, of anticipation. That’s the main one that comes out of the rooms of the Metropolitan Pavilion, where a few days ago the edition of Lineapelle New York dedicated to the 25/26 winter season ended. A sign that also characterizes the photographs in the image gallery you can browse below. We aren’t talking about hope that the economy will soon reverse its recessionary inertia. We are referring, if anything, to what the more than 110 exhibiting companies from Italy, France, Spain, Germany, the United Kingdom, Turkey, India, China, Mexico, Great Britain, Brazil and the United States, found while there. That is: while the European market remains in quicksand, the American one shows sparks of vitality.



Lineapelle NY’s signals

“We are happy”, says Sciarada’s Enrico Pantani. “Above all, the trend on the first day confirmed a growing dynamic toward the U.S. market that we have noticed since the January edition. The American customer – footwear and leather goods – is proving, at least towards our proposal, to be alive, and the interest is also translating into orders. He seems less pessimistic than European customers, which is almost strange, since uncertainties should be growing with the Presidential elections coming up”.

Really nice

The opinion is also shared by tannery Bolzano Brasil. “Really nice edition”, says sales director Augusto Panerai, “in line with our expectations as big brands and designers visited our space. Of course, compared to years ago, there is less business, but no one is surprised: it happens at every fair. But the sign from American customers, during a crisis situation like the current one, was interesting.” Where was the focus? “Soft, smooth, natural items. Reassuring choices, as per tradition for the US. Choices, in some ways inevitable, at such a time”.

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