New dates have been scheduled for Moda Made in Italy Munich too. A decision Assocalzaturifici was all but forced to make when, “following the postponement of theMICAM (the international footwear exhibition to be held from 17 to 20 September 2017, editor’s note) it decided to move Moda Made in Italy to the month of October to give the German event its specific role as a fair for defining the end of season orders”. The exhibition will therefore be held from 6 to 8 October 2017, whereas this year it took place from 11 to 13 September. The dates for the next edition have been confirmed and it is scheduled to take place from 19 to 21 March 2017. “There will be no changes – concludes Assocalzaturifici – in our partnership with WGSN, international fashion trend consultancy company, thanks to which Moda Made in Italy will present the latest fashion trends in the footwear segment to operators, providing them with useful ideas that enable them to understand consumers’ requirements better and fine-tune their sales strategies in Germany too”.(
Assocalzaturifici: new dates for Moda Made in Italy too. In 2017 it’s off to Munich from 6 to 8 October