Colours, Trends & Sustainability: Lineapelle sells out in London

Colours, Trends & Sustainability: Lineapelle sells out in London

An evening in London with Lineapelle at the Italian Embassy. The event Colours, Trends & Sustainability was a real success in terms of attendance, interest and active participation. The aim was to give meaning and a new perspective to the story of the excellence of Italian leather. A chromatic perspective.

Lineapelle sells out in London

A unique event that – at the same time – complemented the two editions (January and July) of Lineapelle London. At the Italian Embassy in London’s Grosvenor Square, Lineapelle welcomed over 140 people, including designers, stylists and fashion communicators, making them “experience Italian excellence in combinations of leather with fabrics, components, accessories and finishes, where colour is the key element”. A sort of theoretical and practical Lectio Magistralis, given the opportunity for those present (as happens in all the workshops that Lineapelle organises worldwide) to touch the materials with their hands. The presentation by Orietta Pelizzari (Lineapelle International Fashion & Lifestyle Advisor) was highly appreciated, and the composition of the audience was very interesting. the presence of interior designers was numerous, in fact, in contrast to the fashion appeal that has always distinguished Lineapelle London. It was an excellent opportunity, therefore, to give life and meaning to a complementary exhibition path.

Cultural incubator

“We consider London,” comments Fulvia Bacchi, CEO of Lineapelle, “to have always been a fashion and cultural incubator. That is why, since 2009, we have been organising Lineapelle London in the city twice a year. With this workshop, the first of a series, we intend to strengthen the relationship we have with London’s design and fashion community. A fundamental work of promotion for which the support and help of institutions is important, especially in a difficult moment like the present one”. A support that, yesterday, had two faces. That of the Italian Ambassador to London, Inigo Lambertini, who emphasised in his speech the strategic importance of the Italian tanning industry. And that of Giovanni Sacchi (Director of the Italian Trade Agency London Office) who reiterated the central role of Lineapelle in the international trade fair context.

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