Italian fashion is setting up a system and has chosen Milan as its capital. From next September, Mipel, MilanoUnica and theMicam will be held concurrently with Milan Fashion Week. Fairs that are arranged for other locations or dates will still participate in Milan Fashion Week with linked events. The objective is to concentrate the best of the Italian fashion industry in the same city and on the same days, so as to offer buyers and operators in the sector a show case of Italian fashion excellence. At the same time, coordination between the main players in the fashion industry will enable Milan to transform Fashion Week into an attractive brand like Expo, increasing the particular weight of the Milan event in the world panorama of fashion events. The memorandum of understanding organized by the Fashion Committee under the leadership of undersecretary Ivan Scalfarotto (photo), was signed yesterday in Rome at the Ministry for Economic Development by all the leading associations in the sector (including UNIC together with Aimpes, Assocalzaturifici and AIP), as well as by fair organisation companies, and by the Italian Chamber of Fashion (Camera Nazionale della Moda) with Pitti and AltaRoma, Agenzia Ice and the Milan City Council. The first event is scheduled for September 2017.
A Fashion Expo in Milan twice a year. The Italian fashion system has signed an agreement