Throughout 2017 Italian tanning industry has been dealing with instability, as good performances, achieved by leather goods, automotive and upholstery, have been counterbalanced by dull accomplishments, especially in the fashion and footwear sectors. Considering the turnover trends, developed by Lineapelle’s Economic Department, medium-large bovine hides increased by 2%, whereas small skins dropped by 3%. Sheep and goat ones have been running at different speed: the former decreased by 5%, the latter went up by 2%. Looking widely at Europe’s tanning industry, in 2017 medium-large bovine hides increased in all European countries (except only for France), and in some of them (Portugal, The Netherlands and Poland) went up in double figures. Conversely, the trend of small bovine skins was generally negative (-9% in Spain). Sheep and goat ones did mirror the current difficulties, as brilliant French performance (+6%) was counterbalanced by Spanish collapse (-8%). For further details about the leather industry business trends, in 2018 and in 2017 last quarter, and the annual turnover of the related industries (raw material, slaughtering, oil and more), click on the link to browse through Lineapelle’s Economic Department sectoral report. As for the turnover index regarding manufacturers of fabrics, synthetics and substitutes, the industry faced, in 2017, the rise in cotton and oil prices, +12% and +6% respectively; on the other hand, European overall turnover went up on average (+4%).
Focus on business trends at Lineapelle94: the Economic Department hands out figures about 2017 turnover