A worker is holding a piece of wood in his left hand, while grabbing, in the right hand, one of the handles of a saw. In front of him, a mechanical arm is holding the other handle. As they liaise together, in coordination, by applying the same energy, they are splitting the wood piece. Such is one of the images shown today by Franco Cavadini during his participation at Lineapelle Innovation Square. The Chief Technical Officer of Synesis Consortium was one of the guest stars on the last day dedicated to debates in the “inspiration hub” created at Lineapelle95. Focusing on some issues, such as digital experience, industry 4.0, sustainability and prospective expertise. As regards sustainability, emphasized Cavadini, “we can’t say how valuable is for consumers, therefore we do not know how much they would be ready to pay for it”. Considering that, argued Federico Brugnoli, curator of the event, “consumer should be made aware of it: certainly sustainability has a value, but this value is affected by the fact that clients buy a brand simply because it’s a brand”. Tanneries are more and more striving to make their working processes sustainable, despite the fact that leather processing has been traditionally considered a process to recycle a product otherwise discarded. Potential prospective interactions between technology and sustainability have been investigated through the speeches given by Emanuele Carpanzano, Paolo Cassis, Tobias Streich and Ferdinando Cannella, who spotlighted the potential development of robotics. We are ready to open new scenarios that aim at Artificial Intelligence, therefore figuring that one day drums might be working on their own…
Lineapelle Innovation Square: “the inspiration hub” to close, looking at Artificial Intelligence and digital expertise