Curiosity and expectation were in the air at Lineapelle London, a one-day event that took place yesterday within the walls of the Ham Yard Hotel in London. Curiosity, because this edition has a few interesting surprises within its content. Expectation, because the British market represents now, and always has, a fundamental location for the avant-garde stylistic development of fashion, and its choices of material. The result: Lineapelle London reached its objective. As explains Fulvia Bacchi, ceo of Lineapelle, “London remains, and will remain, an important stage in the exhibitive itinerary of Lineapelle. It absorbs, and later pays back the efforts with multiple creative suggestions that is difficult to gather in other places and cities”. That’s proof that the event is able to be attractive for both the creative and manufacturing universe, the British one, where “research, originality, and multiculturalism are king. The visitors were attentive to the materials and their performances, seen the new innovative uses of such materials. It goes without saying, that the fashion system in London has great vision for the future: and it isn’t by chance that the metropolis has the highest number of schools and courses dedicated to the industry”. A city and market that, is often hostile towards leather (and fur), but that once it learns the true sustainable virtues behind them, it learns to concretely appreciate them.
In a stylistic context that was dominated by the Co-Natural trend for summer 2020, Innovation Talks sparked great interest, which took place in the form of round tables discussions, same format as Lineapelle Innovation Square (returning to Milan next September). The ball is now in Lineapelle New York’s court, taking place at the Metropolitan Pavilion between January 30th and 31st.