“On the first edition stands extended across two aisles or so. The increased number of exhibitors has gone hand in hand with the expansion of the business product: every time I come by here I see that all exhibitors keep aiming at leather better quality”. Such is the comment of a buyer who came and visit Lineapelle New York on Thursday and Wednesday. Yesterday the exhibition, which is the US preview of the Milanese fair, scheduled on February 20-22, closed its stands, at Metropolitan Pavilion, after two days of lively and bustling work. “All clients we were expecting turned up”, says one of the exhibitors. “Attendance was good, and curiosity was noteworthy”, points out another one, while emphasizing that both leather goods major companies and small artisan enterprises, most of all, as well as footwear manufacturers, paid close attention to price. It’s not big news, though attention to price lists has been particularly remarkable this time: as a matter of fact, this edition has been affected by the current difficult situation of the US market. Lineapelle New York next edition is scheduled on July 17-18.
Lineapelle New York takes stock of the work: good performance, quality upgrading and close attention to price