Day two was positive as well. Good vibrations on day three: fewer visitors, fully-detailed meetings then. Exhibitors at Lineapelle93, leather and materials international fair, on the agenda on the last day today at Fieramilano Rho, keep feeling optimistic about buyers and visitors showing up in the stands. “All of our traditional customers are back, yet several new ones turned up” points out Romina Brandellero from Zermeghedo (Vicenza) leather San Biagio-Vicenza tannery, whose stand “has been most visited since the very first day”. Franco Piran, owner of the tannery La Veneta di Arzignano (Vicenza), does believe that “the considerable flow of the first day got more remarkable on day two”, hence Lineapelle 93rd edition has gone “much better” than the previous one, whose figures were however relevant. “The most important thing is that visitors are very well determined: they know what they are looking for and they have a plan to achieve their goal” says Xavi Badia, from Spanish tannery Curtidos Badia. Likewise Mipe Textil’s textile exhibitors: “The fair is going very well, as usual – says the company manager, Ismael Verdù Muniesa -: yesterday customers visited us till late evening. Lineapelle is the most important leather fair in the world for us”. “That was quality. Visitors are most interested” – adds Valter Fontani from Lexi, manning a stand of accessories and components. How about day three? Generally visitors decrease. “Yet that gives us a chance –points out Dino De Maio, from DMD Solofra – . A chance to pay closer attention to our visitors. Especially the ones from Asia, as well as buyers we can’t meet up with so frequently during the year”.
Lineapelle93 final day: cross satisfaction and “bustling turnover strong perception”