Buyers went up at Mipel, as they increased by 5,6%, on the whole, while attending the leather goods international fair that took place at Fieramilano Rho, on February 11-14 (peak attendance on the first two days). Italian buyers showed up again (+5%) and, much more, Russians came back (+26,1%). Looking at Asian visitors, China (+6,8%) and South Korea (+7,8%) went up, as well as India, Indonesia and Japan (all in double figures). As for European participation trend, German and Austrian visitors increased, whereas French, Portuguese and English attendees slowed down (owing to Brexit early effects perhaps). “Accomplishments we have achieved, which we are going to closely evaluate together with our operators, – remarks in his release Riccardo Braccialini, president of Aimpes and new president of Mipel – result from the successful work carried out by the fair’s board and team, my best compliments to all of them, along with our reinforced cooperation with Camera della Moda Italiana (the Italian Chamber of Fashion) and Camera Italiana Buyer Moda (the Italian Chamber of Fashion Buyers). Not to mention supporting institutions, such as ICE – Agenzia, Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico and Comune di Milano”. MIPEL next edition is scheduled on September 16-19.
Mipel ends with a bang, as buyers increase by 5,6%. Italians and, most of all, Russians are back