After long discussing about dates, they eventually found an agreement. We are talking about two fairs, namely Essenz and Moda Made in Italy, both based in Munich, Germany, which will take place simultaneously again, on their next fall 2019 edition. Both events, in fact, are due to kick off on September 29, and will close the stands on October 1. Last June Essenz announced their 2019 dates, while planning the fall edition on September 22-24. One month later, Assocalzaturifici made public that Moda Made in Italy, to be held in Munich, would take place at MOC (Munich Order Center) on October 6-8. Yet such agenda was likely to penalize and hinder visitors, as well as, presumably, both exhibitions; hence, operators and professionals would have been disappointed. Aiming to find a solution, over the last days Essenz decided to put the fair off until a week, while Moda Made in Italy advanced the event, therefore getting to a common date. “It is extremely important for us to support and help our clients in such a delicate situation for Germany’s retail market”, commented Giovanna Ceolini from Assocalzaturifici. “As a matter of fact, all operators want to enable visitors and exhibitors to strengthen together Munich exhibition. That’s why over 500 brands are going to be involved simultaneously at the same time: this is a great and valuable opportunity for retailers”, remarked Anne Ruhig about Essenz.
Munich fairs, Essenz and Moda Made in Italy, sign agreement on schedule: both will take place in September 2019