Stability and caution. In such terms, visitors at Lineapelle94 describe the development of the business markets throughout 2017. “Sales keep going, without a bang though”, points out the general manager of an Italian shoe factory, “mostly” oriented towards international markets. “The current phase is still flat”, remark two more visitors, who are some representatives of a Tuscan leather goods manufacturing company. In Europe, the business keeps moving forward in small steps, without taking a risk, while in Asia things are quite in ferment. Mr. Qiang, a shoe designer for a Chinese brand, admits: “What many people say is true, since our domestic market is expanding”, though the overall situation is even more complicated. “My brand produces higher quality footwear, compared to the average Chinese one, therefore we aim at export”, adds Qiang. On the one hand, domestic business is actually going up, yet, on the other hand, not towards high-end products”. “We got comforting messages from Micam, about the winter season, especially with regard to foreign markets”, remarks Guglielmo Barone, from Barone Design, a medium/high-end footwear manufacturer, headquartered in Naples. They make shoes both on behalf of a third party and for the owner brand. “We are now starting to plan the next summer season production, and at the fair we have taken advantage of several interesting prompts”, he adds. “Market is receptive, especially for the Made in Italy manufacturing quality”, highlights Valentina Poltronieri, from Scarlet, an apparel brand made in Vigevano and sold across Italy’s northwest. “After a long experience in the third-party business, we have been presenting our own collections for three seasons – says the fashion designer, who joined Lineapelle94 especially to study fabrics -: the business outcome has been immediately rewarding”.
Visitors at Lineapelle94 talk about the market, floating between “stability and caution”. Products look for quality