We tell you everything that will happen at Lineapelle 104

We tell you everything that will happen at Lineapelle 104

There will be 1,259 exhibitors from 43 countries. They will set up their booths from 17 to 19 September at Fiera Milano Rho giving life to the 104th edition of Lineapelle, the “leading trade fair platform in the global context of the supply chain for the fashion, luxury and design industry”. An event that, in addition to the commercial side, has been able to build a true exhibition experience for a community of buyers and visitors that – at each edition – is around 25,000. As usual – between projects, debates and fashion shows – there is much to tell about Lineapelle: here is everything that will happen.

Everything that will happen at Lineapelle 104

It will not be an easy edition, market-wise. Tanneries, manufacturers of accessories, components, fabrics and synthetics – like the rest of the supply chain – are experiencing a long period of recessionary stagnation. It will be difficult to come out of Lineapelle with solutions. The hope is to see signs that allow us to evaluate paths to overcome the current economic situation, which remains critical and complex at all levels.

Confirmed projects: the first are fashion shows

Lineapelle 104 (presenting trends for winter 2025/2026) confirms the organisation of three projects that have become a must and eagerly awaited appointments in recent editions. The first: the Lineapelle Designers Edition fashion shows and fashion presentations at the Spazio Lineapelle in Piazza Tomasi di Lampedusa. Now in their sixth edition, with the aim of activating a path of “creative exploration”, reads a note, “necessary to open new horizons to a material that has historically been a reference for fashion and luxury: leather”. This time the fashion shows will be Yezael by Angelo Cruciani, Daqingliu, Anton Giulio Grande, Davii, Mario Dice Designer and Alchètipo by Andrea Alchieri. At Spazio Lineapelle, on the other hand, from 18 to 23 September there will be presentations by Marco Rambaldi (special guest – fashion show), Jonuel, Amato Daniele, Brutus Factory and Porscia Yeganeh.

Second: Science Based Fashion Talks

The collaboration between Lineapelle and Spin 360 continues with the Science Based Fashion Talks that in this edition will address “current scientific and market trends relating to sustainability in fashion”. The spotlight will be on “decarbonisation strategies, the impact of upcoming anti-deforestation regulations and the role of chemistry in reducing environmental impact”.

Third: In The Making

In The Making Act III bears the title Return to the Origins: between Matter and Technology. Presented by Lineapelle and directed by Giorgio Linea, in this edition the project “will evoke a return to the origins through the construction of a prehistoric village where leather, linked to man since ancient times, will be the protagonist. During the three days of the fair, six 60-minute technical and creative workshops each day will offer visitors the opportunity to learn how to create objects and decorative elements, customise accessories, come into direct contact with raw materials and appreciate their versatility”. Highlighted will be “the circular value of leather, in collaboration with Zerow”.

The training horizon

Another confirmation is linked to Lineapelle’s educational vision. Some “fashion institutes of the highest international profile will present some special projects at the fair, designed specifically for this edition. They are IED Istituto Europeo di Design, IUAV University of Venice, Piattaforma Sistema Formativo Moda ETS, Conscious Leather Design Academy. And Officina Vanvitelli, Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology Design, London College of Fashion UAL, Scuola Mosaicisti Del Friuli”.

International Cooperation

Also returning to Lineapelle is “Ethical Fashion Intiative, a project promoted by the International Trade Centre (EFI-ITC), a United Nations agency and programme”. An international presence alongside the arrival of delegations coming (with the support of ICE and MAECI) from the United States, South Korea, China, Turkey, Japan, France and Germany.

An event that concerns us very closely

We will also be at Lineapelle. Our magazine will be present with its now customary editorial staff at the fair (Hall 13, Aisle A). On the first day of the fair, Tuesday 17 September, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., we will host the ambassadors of the social communication project Is It Leather? Objective: “To share with readers and visitors at the fair the mission of supporting genuine leather and its many advantages, demanding transparency and drawing attention to the confusion caused by alternative products”.

Speaking of craftsmanship

Lineapelle 104 will also host the project L’Eredità Artigiana della Guanteria Napoletana: Un Viaggio nel Tempo with Gala Gloves, Andreano and Artigiano del Guanto. “A sort of journey into the tradition and elegance of gloves Made in Naples through live demonstrations”. It will be curated by Chiroteca: L’Arte della Guanteria Napoletana.


As we wrote here, Lineapelle 104 will take place in partial concurrence with Micam (footwear), Mipel (leather goods), TheOneMilano (clothing), Milano Fashion&Jewels (fashion and jewellery). Not only. The 50th edition of Simac Tanning Tech, the international technology exhibition for the tanning, footwear and leather goods sectors, will be held in close concomitance and in full synergy.

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