In expressing his opposition to the ‘see now buy now’ concept, the economic model involving the sale of new collections at the same time they are presented on the catwalk, Massimiliano Giornetti (pictured) makes no bones about it. Speaking to the audience of Polimoda students, the former fashion designer Salvatore Ferragamo thunders: “The fashion industry is facing serious problems,” reports Fashion Network. “Many of the collections are already obsolete six months later. And ‘see now buy now’ is bringing this delicate system close to collapse. The risk is of creating collections for a single season that are soon forgotten about.” Critical, but more cautious in their evaluations, on the other hand, are Diego Della Valle and Patrizio Bertelli, speaking on the stage of the Milan Fashion Global Summit. According to the CEO of Prada, every decision must first be in line with the brand’s economic objectives: “Before you jump, you have to take into account the extremely tight turnaround times that have always influenced us,” are his words taken from Pambianco News. “The ideal conditions between the catwalks and delivery needed in order to correctly plan the industrial process are often lacking. And costs continue to rise.” On the same wavelength is the president of Tod’s, according to whom “to produce quality it takes an appropriate timescale. We are trying to turn around the timing: every two months, the products in store have to change, and there is a schedule and stories to change cyclically, although without too much haste.” To learn more about ‘see now buy now’, rejected by quite a few designers and already adopted by many others, take a look at the in-depth article in issue 33 by Mdp-La Conceria.
Giornetti (ex Ferragamo) rips ‘see now buy now’ to shreds: “It’s leading us to a collapse.” Della Valle and Bertelli cautious