According to preliminary data provided by the Russian Customs, in February imports from non-CIS countries, grew by 5% in the textile and footwear compartment when compared to January 2017. The only category “footwear” has placed the + 6.1%. On an annual basis, compared with February 2016, imports of footwear increased by 18.1%. For the entire textile, clothing and footwear countries to have recorded the best performances there are: China (+ 57.7%, US $ 6 billion), Germany (+ 71.7%, $ 3.9 billion), Netherlands (+ 36%, $ 2.8 billion), Italy (+ 33.7%, 1.7 billion dollars) and the US (+ 17.8%, 1.3 billion dollars). E-Commerce also offers positive signs. Aleksei Federov, president AKIT, the association of e-commerce operators in Russia, the online market would have grown by 21% in 2016 reaching 14.5 billion Euros and exceeding expectations (+ 18%). Among the most purchased products: appliances, electronics, clothing and footwear. An increase of 25% is expected for 2017.
Moscow: in February the Russian purchases of fashion and footwear increased by 6.1%. High expectations for the online market