Urso summons the Fashion Table: crisis to be discussed on August 6

Urso summons the Fashion Table: crisis to be discussed on August 6

The date is in Rome, on August 6. A date that shows that the need to talk about the crisis and find immediate support solutions for the supply chain is more than urgent. Adolfo Urso, head of MIMIT, has summoned the Fashion Table on that date, at which UNIC – Italian Tanneries and Confindustria Moda will also sit.

Urso summons the Fashion Table

Urso announced that “together with Minister Giorgetti, we are evaluating measures to help fashion. We will discuss at the Table those that we will be able to implement. And we will discuss our programme with the companies to best support their productive growth”. The Fashion Table will therefore meet on Tuesday, August 6. The open topics are many and very sensitive. In no particular order: the suspension of some payments and the one-year moratorium on mortgages. Also: the extension of the repayment of loans guaranteed by Sace and Simest. Not forgetting the interventions on tax credit for innovation.

On August 6, the crisis is discussed

According to Urso, this crisis, although “difficult”, is “temporary”. The minister said he was certain that “Italian fashion has a great future ahead. Just as it has a great present, as the numbers show”. The fact remains, however, that this crisis has lengthened in a far more worrying way, bringing many manufacturing SMEs close to the threshold of asphyxiation. Urso, therefore, announced that “we will present in a more complete way the measures that we will be able to implement in the second half of the year”. With them, there will also be “the programme with our companies, so that we can best support their productive growth”.

The confrontation with the MEF

“We are talking with the MEF”, the MIMIT minister concludes, “because many of these measures have a financial impact. We will be meeting in the coming days with Minister Giancarlo Giorgetti, precisely to understand what measures can be organised in a package that will help companies overcome this temporary phase”.

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