Golden Goose’s IPO on June 21: then the billion-dollar challenge

Golden Goose's IPO on June 21: then the billion-dollar challenge

Save the date. Golden Goose’s IPO has been the talk of the town all spring. Now we know that the luxury sneaker brand, founded in 2000 in Marghera, Italy, will land on the Milan Stock Exchange on June 21st. Once its market cap is set (estimated between 1.7 billion and 1.9 billion depending on the value of the shares), Golden Goose will have the resources to implement the development plan to take revenue from 587 million (2023) to 1 billion by 2029. How? Through the development of new markets and product categories.

The details of Golden Goose’s IPO

The premise of the IPO, Corriere della Sera reports, is positive: “According to rumors, the listing has already received triple the subscription requests, compared to the offered amount of 500-600 million”. Among the largest entities interested in the deal are Invesco, already minority owner of Zegna, which says it’s willing to buy securities for 100 million. And Marco Bizzari, former CEO of Gucci and now a consultant and investor, is also on the board of Golden Goose. The IPO, going into detail, includes a 100 million capital increase that “will provide the group with resources to reduce debt“. Then, we read further in CorrSera, through the sale of 43 million shares (for 408/458 million euros) by the Permira fund. At the end of the transaction, 30% of the brand’s capital will be exchangeable.

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