The marking of shoes in Russia will begin on June 1st, 2018. Participation to the pilot project for producers and retailers will be, for now, optional. The goal is to eliminate illegally imported and fake products form the market, that, according to official fata and estimates, account for 34% of the total. The footwear segment could follow the same path as the fur segment: the marking for furs was introduced in an experimental manner in April 2016, and then became mandatory on August 12th, 2016. While waiting for mandatory marking, the footwear industry in Russia is growing once again, after three years in the red. According to estimates by Discovery Research Group, the segment will have a yearly average growth of 6%-7%, in the next five years. Many Russian retailers closed 2017 with increased sales numbers.
34% is not legal: in Russia, Try-out marking of shoes will begin on June 1st, 2018