The accusation of plagiarism that Aquazzurra brand had directed to Ivanka Trump through Instagram came to the law court. The Florentine brand has filed a lawsuit to the District Court of New York against the daughter of the candidate to the White House Donald Trump, accusing her to have copied the straps of Aquazzura, the sandal Wild Thing and pumps (décoletté with plateau) Forever Marilyn. In the proceedings are also involved retailers MB Fisher LLC and Marc Fisher. Also Fisher Footwear has appealed against Aquazzurra, sustaining that the latter could not protect with a trademark the Forever Marilyn because they’re a fashion model taken up by many manufacturers and it has called for the ineligibility of the cause of the Italian brand. Matthew Burris, CFO Marc Fisher, declares “this is an unfounded cause, only to generate publicity.” The dispute, however, focuses primarily on Wild Thing: $ 785 the Aquazzura ones, 145 the Trump ones, for sale at Bloomingdale’s. The brand asks the sales ban, the record profits of Ivanka Trump on this model, damages and reimbursement of legal expenses.
Aquazzurra: open war (for plagiarism) to the daughter of Donald Trump