“The only thing that hasn’t changed in 108 years is the fact that we purchase Italian leather”. Stating this, (in an interview released to columbusceo.com), is Chris Bosca (in the image taken from daytonadailynews.com), ceo of Bosca, leather goods’ manufacturer with its HQ in Springfield, OH, USA. The company was founded by Italian emigrant Hugo Bosca in 1911, grandfather of the current ceo, Chris. From that point, many things have changed inside the brand. The ones with more structural importance: a large part of production has been transferred elsewhere, China included; the company focuses on online retail through its e-commerce platform, as well as other extrenal ones, such as Nordstrom, But, with its 25 employees, the one constant surrounding both the production and commercial universe of the business, is the use of Italian leather. Bosca’s product managers come to Italy 3-4 times a year, to evaluate and choose the materials, and thus “signing the leather that clears their checkups. I go through every piece of leather, ranking them and selecting the ones to be sent where they are needed”, says Bosca. The brand’s most famous leather is called Old Leather, and it is hand-colored by Italian craftsmen. Then the brand has the Old Washed type, Italian vegetable-tanned leather. Bosca’s target? People in their thirties that are “attracted to craftsmanship: we are looking for consumers that evaluate whether something is going to last, not something cheap”, states Chris Bosca.
Everything goes, Italian leather doesn’t: Bosca’s history, USA-based brand that has been proudly using Italian leather since 1911