In 2018, Burberry’s turnover will line up with the previous year financial statements. Things are going to change in 2019, since revenues are expected to increase by 15%. Most of all, earnings will supposedly go up, in double figures, in the 2020-2021 two-year period. The Italian team, composed by chief executive officer Gobbetti and creative director Tisci, are bringing very positive effects on Burberry’s business, which is about to recover shortly. Goldman Sachs are firmly confident in that: in their opinion, in fact, the business recovery will be based on reduction of costs (Burberry announced their plan to save £20 million) and, as well, on some strategic agreements signed by the company (for example, the one carried out with Farfetch e-commerce portal). As reported by MFF, the institute have raised Burberry’s rating, which moves from hold to buy, as evidence of their reliability.
Burberry’s business takes advantage of Gobbetti and Tisci, as Goldman Sachs expect revenues to grow in double figures from 2019 to 2021