Remo Ruffini doesn’t plan on creating the Italian luxury district. Nor he plans on making new acquisitions. “We have two startups such as Moncler and Stone Island and are already occupied developing them – his words -. I am convinced we can do it”. Moncler’s CEO is sure that large luxury brands and SMBs must face the same challenges “in a world that has changed, just like the approach of businesses to the marketplace”.
Italian luxury district
Moncler stops at Stone Island and doesn’t plan on making other acquisitions. Ruffini claimed the aforementioned during the Fashion Summit organized by Pambianco (in photo). The operation that brought Stone Island to Moncler wasn’t searched for nor wanted, but dictated by opportunism. The entrepreneur indicated two fundamental strategies for its business model. First: “you don’t sell a product today but rather you try to fascinate the community”. Second: “not using quantity, but experience”.
The world has changed
The world has changed. New approaches and training must adapt to the needs of businesses: “not just digital, but logistics has become more and more a competitive factor”. The challenge that joins a large business with SMBs is one: “Fascinating the community”.
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