Yes to commercial agreements, no to fakes: friends and enemies of the made in Italy

Accordi commerciali sì, fake no: amici e nemici del made in Italy

Confindustria indicates the friends and enemies of Made in Italy. Free trade agreements are among the resources that enhance the export potential of “Bello e Ben Fatto” (BFF – ed. “Beautiful and Well Done”). Counterfeiting and Italian sounding, on the other hand, among the phenomena that are limiting its potential. The picture emerges from the tenth edition of “Exporting La Dolce Vita – The potential of consumer goods that are beautiful and well done on foreign markets”. The study is carried out by Confindustria Study Center with Sace – Simest and the collaboration of Manlio Masi Foundation.

Friends and enemies of the made in Italy

International agreements “in a context of growing tensions help to create certainties to favour exchanges”, reports the study. The results are visible on the South Korean market. Here, shoe exports between 2003 and 2010 grew at an average annual rate of 4.9%. Between 2011 and 2018, that is, after the agreement between the European Union and the Asian country came into force, the trend rose sharply to +18.1%. In this sense, expectations for CETA and JEFTA are excellent. Processing data from the European Union, Confindustria Moda writes that the export of Italian leather products to Canada could increase by more than 80% until 2030, compared to a scenario with duties still in force. At the same time, exports to Japan until 2035 will amount to 200% more than those with customs barrier trade in force.

Reality and potential

The Italian “Beautiful and Well Done” is worth 86 billion euros, and has a potential to increase by  further 45 million euros: 33.5 on advanced markets, the remaining 10.9 on emerging ones like China, countries of the Arabian peninsula, Russia and Mexico. In reference to the first group, the USA is the elective destination for tanning and leather goods, while Germany for footwear. Looking to the second group, it appears that the United Arab Emirates and Russia can be the best reference for products in the leather supply chain.

The primates of the made in Italy

Italy is seventh in the world in terms of export share, boasting a rich and well balanced basket of exported goods. But not only. Restricting the focus on final consumer goods, “Exporting La Dolce Vita” highlights how Italy (with a 5.5% share) rises to the third position, behind China and Germany, but ahead of the USA, France and Japan.

The three recipes of Confindustria

To seize the growth opportunities of BBF (ed. “Beautiful and Well Done”), Confindustria suggests three actions. promote free trade agreements, as we previously said. Strengthen the presence of Italian companies on e-commerce channels. Fight against the phenomena of counterfeiting and Italian sounding. Fakes “constitute a significant damage to Italian companies – as can be read -: world exports of counterfeit goods amount to 460 billion euros. The dimensions of the phenomenon have reached remarkable dimensions, particularly when referring to the sectors of Italian Beautiful and Well Done”.

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