In terms of volumes, exports decreased by 3,6%, whereas earnings went up by 7,2%; as for prices, they have been rising by 11,2% on average. After 2017 “amazing” performance, as emphasized by Danny D’Alessandro (in the picture), general manager of Assopellettieri, accomplishments achieved in 2018 first quarter, with regard to exports, have been showing a slight slowdown. Looking at provisional data, processed by Confindustria Moda analysis center, the performance trend of the best 15 destination countries is rather discrepant. Only Germany, Switzerland, China and The Netherlands have been enjoying a boost, both in incomes and in volumes; conversely, The United States have been gaining ground in terms of quantity (+33,5%), at decreasing prices though (-2,5%), while Russia’s recovery has stopped after a positive two-year period (2016-2017). “The positioning of Japan and South Korea, which are both rewarding markets – added D’Alessandro – reassures us and our strategic investment plan”. On the other hand, domestic market is still little brilliant: compared to 2017 first quarter, volumes are unchanged and variation is perfectly flat (0,0%). Looking at exports overall, bags and small leather goods are worth, between them, 71% of accessories sold abroad, while leather is employed, as a manufacturing material, for 48,2% of articles. Although the general business trend is slightly brilliant in the period, on annual basis, according to Confindustria Moda analysis center export of Italian bags “is going better” anyway, compared to 2016.
After 2017 amazing performance, in 2018 first quarter export of Italian bags slows down (going better than 2016 though)