In April Brazil’s footwear exports have been increasing again. In 2018 first quarter exports had decreased by 2,7%, as for volumes, and by 3,4% in terms of revenues. Yet a brilliant performance changed things in April: +18,4% in volumes and +17,6% in revenues. As reported by Abicalçados, in the first four months of 2018, Brazilian companies exported 40,36 million pairs of shoes, therefore reaching 344,2 million dollars in total earnings. Compared to last year same period, both volumes and revenues increased by 1,8%. “Good figures about exports in April come from sales carried out throughout the fairs that took place in Italy, The United States and Colombia earlier this year”, points out Heitor Klein, executive President of Abicalçados. He looks ahead at the future in an optimistic mood, since “exhibitions drove over 63 million dollars in earnings following orders and deliveries”. The footwear association expects 2018 exports to increase slightly, though they might be considerably affected by currencies, in particular by rates of exchange between US dollar and Brazilian real. It is no coincidence that in 2018 first quarter The USA, which had been the top business market for decades, have been outdone, owing to currency rates of exchange, by Argentina. France is the third market.
Brazil’s footwear exports go up again in April: +18%. Good expectations for the months to come, though rates of exchange might be a problem