CEC (along with Cotance) promote the “Digital TCLF 2025” project: digitizing process and new expertise

CEC, the Footwear Industry European Association, is aiming to digitize corporate processes. To this end they have launched “Digital TCLF 2025”, a two-year project about digital skills oriented towards textile, apparel, leather and footwear companies. “Digital TCLF 2025”has been created along with Euratex (textiles and apparel), Cotance (tanning industry) and IndustriAll Europe (union trades). They aim to outline the new digital skills and the emerging professional figures, “who will enable companies to enhance their competitiveness and deal with the upcoming digital revolution, which is bound to affect suppliers, partners and corporate workers, as much as customers and consumers. Digitizing processes will also affect production, hence the importance – unanimously acknowledged- of upgrading professional education”.


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