Statistically speaking, there is only good news for the Brazilian shoe factories. For example, Abicalçados says that in May, in comparison to 12 months before, exports have grown in volume, and shot up in value. The percentages speak for themselves, 9.5 million pairs of shoes sold abroad, up 13.5%; 103 million dollars obtained, up 44%. The numbers on the first 5 months of the year are impressive. 49 million pairs were exported, resulting in an increase of 1.1%; a sales volume of 441.4 million dollars, up 20%. Yet, Abicalçados is not so satisfied, because the average price went up from 8.57 dollars to 10.86 dollars. The change is concerning because this increase in price is not attributed to higher quality. The reasons behind are mainly related to currency, as explained by numerouns shoemakers. “Last year the exchange rate real-dollar was a lot more advantageous, while now, it looks that with the various political events will do nothing but complicate the situation for us, creating volatility and uncertainty”.
Concerns for Brazilian shoes: exports up, but with increasing expenses. The exchange rate Real to Dollar darkens the outlook 2017