Moscow Obuv fair has confirmed the evidence of recovery of the Russian market by reversing the negative trend of the past two years. “Positive indications that allow you to return home with greater confidence” according to Eugenio Splinter, the shoe Spring Montegranaro (trademark Mario Bruni). “Customers who have visited my booth were more confident. I also saw again clients who I hadn’t seen for a few seasons,” he says. Orders are carefully selected. Few but good. Meanwhile, Moscow confirms the central space for the top range. According to analysts of the financial consulting firm CBRE the segment of luxury in Russia is going through a period of stability. CBRE points out that despite the crisis, Russia has remained a key market for many luxury brands in the world. In the period 2015-2016, there were 29 new openings in the luxury segment, up 42% compared to the previous period 2013-2014. CBRE also highlighted that more and more brands have decided to manage their retail to grab both the Russian domestic customers as well as the foreign one, mainly Chinese, attracted by the convenience of the prices of luxury goods have fallen by 10-25%. According to the Russian Tourism Agency, in 2016 the Chinese tourist flow grew by 16% partly due to increased shopping.
Moscow’s Obuv closes with showing signs of recovery