Obuv: in the general dreariness, the Italian companies that have been doing business are those that have outsourced in order to reduce prices. This, in a nutshell, is the analysis offered by the president of Assocalzaturifici, Annarita Pilotti, of the trade fair that ended yesterday in Moscow with 125 Italian exhibitors. “Compared to the October 2015 edition, we estimate a drop in attendance of about 20%, not a certified figure, but reliable”, says Pilotti. “The few buyers that attended were hunting out the lowest prices and, even before looking at the collections, they were asking about the cost. This favoured companies offering products at low prices, but not made in Italy. It wasn’t important if they were made in Serbia, Albania, Turkey or China and sold by Italian shoe manufacturers at below €40. These Italian companies certainly got work.” According to Pilotti, the Russian economic situation is improving, but “in order to get the market back up to full speed, we’ll have to wait another year, year and a half.” With regards to the trade fair “we want to avoid starting on a Monday and we’d like to change hall, creating new layouts and trying to renew the event, but there is little chance given the busy schedule.” Finally, the message to the institutions: “Assocalzaturifici will continue to support companies with vouchers and, in collaboration with ITA-ICE, will continue to invest in this market. I also hope that the regions concerned, in particular the Marche, will play their part in projects aimed at supporting the companies that will continue to preside over this market, which today is unfortunately still in crisis.”
Obuv according to Annarita Pilotti (Assocalzaturifici): “Attendance -20% and business only for those focusing on price, but not on the Made in Italy concept.” News on the horizon?