The data is provided by CNC, the Conseil National du Cuir, the French association which groups all the national player of the leather, from raw material to finished product. These are related to exports in 2016 and show a “failure record”: that of the 10 billion euro. Growing up in total by 6% the Alps chain closed last year to 9,921 billion euro share. The leather, which is worth 60% of exports, and the shoe (share: 30%) share the same improvement compared to 2015 with a + 8%. Leather clothing grew by 4%, which is worth 183 million euro, and growth was recorded in all target markets except Japan after the French suffer a massive blow losing 38%. A loss of 12% of the export of raw hides and beef as much as 38% that of sheep, of which there are significant according to CNC warehouse stock. In total, foreign sales of tanning raw materials worth 325 million euro. The “Italian customers alone, that account for three-quarters of tanning raw materials exports, have reduced purchases by 13%” writes CNC. However, there is an improvement of 2% of the overall exports of the tanneries, which reach an altitude of 328 million euro: + 7% beef, sheep + 8% – 10% of the calf, -5% goats. Reptile leather loses 31%.
One step away from 10 billion: French leather exports increases of 6% in 2016, pretty well-finished products, loss of 12% of raw material