It began on May 5 with a (virtual) meeting in collaboration with APLF platform. Another one is scheduled for May 13 with CICB, the Brazilian tanning association. The one in collaboration with International Leather Maker is still to be scheduled. Challenges, perspectives and answers: the webinars of UNIC – Italian Tanneries illustrate the expectations and tools of Italian leather looking at Phase 2.
UNIC webinars
On May 5, we said, UNIC attended a meeting organised by APLF, the Hong Kong leather and materials fair. The title of the webinar was Health and Safety Measures in the Italian Tanneries during Covid-19 Emergency Period. The event was an opportunity to illustrate to the international public the protocol signed by UNIC with the trade unions to guarantee the safety of the workplace and avoid the spread of contagion among employees.
CICB: the next meetings
On May 13, is expected the webinar organised by CICB. Here, UNIC will confront CLIA, an abbreviation representing the Chinese tanning industry, on the market prospects for the leather industry in a world still under the influence of Coronavirus. The meeting program promoted by ILM is being defined. This too will focus on economic issues.
Read also:
- Italian leather reopens: UNIC clarify what is going to happen from today and from May 4th
- UNIC – Italian Tanneries signs a reopening protocol with labor unions
- Now & Together: Lineapelle lancia la sua social community