Solofra, the signing for the purifier: it will serve the tanning centre

Solofra, the signing for the purifier: it will serve the tanning centre

The Campania Region will finance the work. The Solofra municipality, which will oversee the project, will be responsible for the design of the sewage network for civil use, to be untied from the Solofra purification plant. Yes, because this will serve the tanning centre exclusively. The signing of the minutes (photo) sanctioning the agreement on the reorganisation of the purification service arrived on 7 August. The signing was welcomed with great satisfaction by the city’s entrepreneurs, because it promises to open a new chapter in the history of the plant in Solofra.

It will serve the tanning centre exclusively

Seated at the table on 7 August were representatives of the Ente Idrico Campano (the Campania Water Board), the Region (which thus follows up on the commitment made at the end of February) and the Municipality. With them, representatives of the Consorzio Solofra Depurazione and Confindustria Avellino – Sezione Conciatori. “This important result is the fruit of work that started a long time ago”, commented Luca Mascolo, president of Ente Idrico Campano.

“Our commitment continues unabated for the environmental recovery of the territories and the improvement of the citizens’” quality of life. The report marks a fundamental turning point. Not only because it provides for the necessary structural modernisation promised by the Region. But it restores the exclusive use of the plant, which over time has become “integrated” (i.e. also serving civil waste) in favour of the tanning centre. As it should have been from the beginning, as it will finally be again.

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