The UK has applied an import taxation of goods of Chinese origin more convenient than that of other European countries. For textiles, for example, to 91 cents a pound, 17.61 against the Germans, 18 Italians and 17 French. It also has deliberately underestimated the weight of the containers in transit in its ports to become the darling of the fashion sorting (clothing and footwear) made in China. According to the anti-fraud office of the European Union (OLAF), the UK has done this practice for three years. While the loss in earnings of 3.2 billion EUR VAT caused to European partners has been lost, Brussels now is asking the reimbursement of 2 billion euro. According to the reconstruction provided by OLAF and told today by the Italian newspaper La Republica, the United Kingdom has decided to oust Slovakia for the entry of Chinese goods. If in 2013 went to London to 36% of exports of the People’s Republic (325 million pounds of products), in 2016 it has gotten to 79% (646 million). The goal in London was not so much to corner the customs levy (which remains only 20% of the country that receives), but rather to revitalise with “zero cost” port activities and the island kingdom logistics. The conclusion of the OLAF investigations (lasted two years) comes when they are to begin negotiations for Brexit. According to press reports, the EU could climb the sanction of € 2 billion from funds that have yet to allocate in London.
The EU calls for 2 billion to the United Kingdom. For three years he has cleared through customs and textile Chinese footwear defrauding European partners