Canyons in San Diego Bay are filled with coloured water marshland. County Border Patrols (California Border Police) who plunged in the river Tijuana went out of it with skin rash, and their boots were worn out. ABC10 television channel has compared, in their opening news report, the appalling situation of the river, which arises in Mexico, to leak in the Ocean in the US coastland, to the polluted rivers in China, Bangladesh, India and Indonesia. In San Diego, California, authorities have launched a social alarm owing to pollution of the Tijuana, where they found cadmium, chromium, arsenic and more. In addition to that, situation is getting controversial, as Mexican industries are accused of discharging sewage, before treatment, in the river. Most of all, the US Agency for preservation of the river Tijuana blames a Mexican tannery, located in Tijuana: apparently, the tannery keeps discharging colourants and industrial waste in the river without any concern: “In the Tijuana we have found chemicals – reveals a researcher while talking on TV – which are not supposed to be in a river”.