At present they have got 15 plants, all located in France, with 3,136 employees? in total. They are about to open a new one at L’Allan, in the region of Franche-Comté, shortly. Still those factories are not sufficient to meet their manufacturing needs. Hence Hermés is planning to open two more, which are due to start in 2020. They expect to recruit 500 employees in total, 250 each. The former will be located at Saint-Vincent-de-Paul, near Bordeaux; the latter will be placed at Montereau-Fault-Yonne, in the département of Seine-et- Marne, where “we have been present since 1996 after buying out Gordon-Choisy tannery”, points out the fashion brand in an official release. Since June 2014 to date Hermès has opened 5 factories which mostly produce accessories for leather goods: as a matter of fact they need to enhance their productive capacity to go hand in hand with the great performance of their “maroquinerie-sellerie” (leather goods and saddlery) collections. The new employees (500) will be “leather craftsmen at the service of the fashion brand’s top savoir-faire – points out Guillaume de Seynes, general manager at Hermès, while giving an interview to Le Figaro -. These investments give evidence that we believe in the future of leatherwork. Hermès has been running at artisan pace, therefore our prospective growth is to be based on staff recruitment and training, which takes about 18 months. In the new plants production will therefore be running at full speed progressively as our craftsmen will gradually hone their skills”. Picture from
“We believe in the future of leather goods”: Hermès is planning to open two new factories in France