Leather export: Brazil rejoices with a + 2,3% while Pakistan’s down by 25%

In October, exports of finished and semi leather increased by 2.3% in value year on year, with revenues amounting to 161.9 million dollars (152.2 million euros). According to figures given by the Ministry of Development and Industry, foreign sales in the same month were down 10% in volume. But for José Fernando Bello, president of […]

Argentina’s lack of demand provokes tanneries and shoe factories’ early summer break

Argentina’s economic trend for the leather sector remains in a difficult and worrying position. Because of the shortage of orders, many tanneries and many shoe factories have anticipated the summer break in mid-December. In some cases, factories will be closed until the end of January. It’s very likely that, during this period, salaries to employees […]

Amsterdam Boat Show, “a new Renaissance” for leather interiors

The 17th of November has seen the end of this year’s edition of METS – Marine Equipment Trade Show in Amsterdam METS is the most important international fair for members of the accessories sector, subcontracting, materials and components for recreational boating. Leather, of course, played a big part in the show. After the good results […]

Bags and shoes do not save Parakian: the French fashion house requests the compositions with creditors. Agreement with Italians MMB goes bust

For some company, entering shoe and leather goods business has been a solution. For others, a vain attempt to revive their accounts. French fashion house Parakian (brand: Parakian Paris and Anathea) belongs to this second group and the company has requested the composition with creditors. Nothing served the renewal of the management and, simultaneously, the […]

Arzignano: automotive sector in pole position. Dani plans 500 more hires and a new cutting plant in Eastern Europe

Automotive sector continues to reward Arzignano’s tanneries. The last positive news arrives from Dani Spa which, for 2017, has already scheduled several new and important projects in the segment of car interiors. “To meet these new orders we will have to assume, in Italy and abroad, about 500 new employees.” declared Dani spokesperson. This operation […]

Argentine: crisis for the leather and meat sector. Shoe market and slaughtering collapse, while tensions with Brazil increase

According to INDEC, the Argentinean National Institute of Statistics, 2016 has seen Argentine decreasing its consumption of shoes and leather accessories by over 30%. For example, INDEC has registered a shortfall of about 28 million unsold footwear or even no longer produced. Alberto Sellaro, President of the Argentine footwear manufacturers, labelled the situation as ‘horrible’. […]

‘Less is more’: US department stores to reduce leather goods offering. “It will sell better and at full price”

In preparation for the holiday shopping season, some luxury retailers such as Nordstrom, Bloomingdale’s and Barneys New York, will put on their shelves a reduced selection of bags. Their aim is to “differentiate themselves from the competitors “considering that the offering has become excessively (and dangerously) homogeneous. “By reducing the variety of collections offered and […]