Protectionism: Moscow renews the export ban on wet-blue, Kenya thinks again

Technically it had expired on May 30. Following the umpteenth six-monthly extension, a mechanism that has been repeating itself since the Russian government decided to close its frontiers to exports of wet-blue. Officially, it was renewed on 27 July, with retroactive effect from 18 July, and is valid until 18 January 2017. The reason? Moscow […]

Lineapelle New York (19/20 July): dynamic edition in the USA

Expectations met and new market feedback at Lineapelle New York, which took place on 19 and 20 July at the Metropolitan Pavilion. The 100 exhibitors present (+20% compared to the previous edition) exchanged views on a fundamental market for the Italian leather industry: +13% national tanned leather exports to Washington in the first quarter of […]

B&G speaks French: in order to triple its turnover, the Tuscan luxury leather manufacturer is entering into a partnership with the transalpine giant

French industrial method and Italian quality for the luxury leather manufacturer. The Burgundy-based group Maroquinerie Thomas (1,250 employees, €100 million turnover, Hermès and Chanel among its customers) has bought 35% of B&G di Franco Baccani (two plants in the provinces of Florence and Arezzo, turnover of €9.5 million, Gucci and Cartier among the labels supplied) […]

A British designer wants to tan human hide (and in the meantime is practising with pigskin). What does Alexander McQueen have to do with it?

The project is both ambitious and controversial. Tina Gorjanc, who gained her diploma at the Central Saint Martins College fashion school in London, wants to set up laboratory cultures of human skin using the DNA of Alexander McQueen, the volatile English designer who committed suicide in 2010. Once she has obtained a sufficient quantity of […]

Italian leathergoods industry is feeling the effects of a slow-down in exports in the first quarter. Mipel is coming to town

The July financial statement for the Italian leathergoods industry. This morning Aimpes/Mipel presented the industry’s current economic situation and new trends expected for the forthcoming international leathergoods industry fair from 3 to 6 September. We’ll start with the fair: in addition to confirming its organizational cooperation with theMicam, Mipel is launching a series of initiatives […]

Chanel doubles up and buys the Richard tannery (having already acquired Bodin Joyeux)

Chanel has taken over the Richard Tannery in Millau. Mégisserie Richard specialises in the production of Lacaune et Entrefins lambskin, finished in various innovative ways: metallic, pearled, printed, painted etc. The company employs 40 people, exports about 60% of its production and is led by Xavier Richard, who will remain at the company’s operating helm. […]

Tradefair gridlock in early September?

The tradefair calendar is increasingly crowded in the first fortnight of September. In addition to Bread & Butter by Zalando (Berlin 2-4) and theMicam-Mipel (Milan 3-6), we also find Origin Passion and Beliefs (Milan 6-8, in conjunction with Milano Unica) and ILM-International Leather Goods Fair (Offenbach 10-12). Origin Passion and Beliefs is dedicated to fashion […]

Anteprima by Lineapelle (6/7 July, Fieramilanocity): are the luxury brands changing stylist? “Tanneries at the ready”. Trend: new, but without excess

Are we seeing a revolution in the luxury brands style offices? Never fear, the tanneries attending Anteprima by Lineapelle at FieraMilanocity (which ends today) say they are ready to face these changes with meticulous internal structures, in-depth research and a particular focus on service. “We need to be flexible”, say Bonaudo, “we are artisans of […]

Renewed EMAS certification for Santa Croce

The Tuscan leather district will shortly see the confirmation of its EMAS certification, the international environmental sustainability certification used to monitor the activities of tannery associations, enterprises and local public administrations. The three-year certification was last renewed in 2013, and over the past few days, the certifying body has completed its checks on the activities […]

UNIC Assembly: 2015 complicated, but dynamic for the Italian tanning. Slight reduction and international leadership confirmed

The economic situation was and is difficult. The near future offers no particular hypothesis of simplification, starting with the effects, all to understand, of Brexit. Despite the difficult context, however, the picture of the Italian tanning industry, presented this morning at “Stelline” in Milan, on the occasion of the Annual Assembly of UNIC (Italian Tanning […]

Gianni Russo, president of UNIC: sustainability and cohesion, dialogue and rules for chemical analysis. Lineapelle back under tanners “full control”

“We resumed a transparent and constructive dialogue with all interlocutors, of the leather industry and not, public and private, while respecting mutual autonomy.” Gianni Russo, owner of Russo di Casandrino and Knight of Labor, underlines “the importance of dialogue and openness” during his first UNIC Assembly as president. Words “off the cuff”, pronounced after the […]

Brexit, Satra assures: “No consequence for the validity of our certificates”

No Brexit effect on Satra certifications. Austin Simmons, general manager of the renowned center for research and technology hub based in the UK that analyzes consumer products, including leather accessories and footwear, declared. Simmons announced that the validity of his certificates “will not be affected by the upcoming exit of the UK from the EU. […]

The UK chooses Brexit: trouble for the leather industry?

Many burdens and a few honors. The United Kingdom decided to leave the EU with a referendum that took place on June 23rd. This decision leads to trouble for the Italian leather sector. Initial reactions to Brexit are critical. Prime Minister David Cameron announced his intention to resign within October. Exchanges have given immediate negative […]