2017 is expected to bring a moderate growth in production, as well as for export. According to projections by the Department of Agriculture United States (USDA), by the end of the year, Buenos Aires will slaughter 12.4 million heads (600,000 more than last year) for about 2.76 million tonnes of meat. Foreign sales, meanwhile, will grow by 20%. According to the report published on March 9, the commitment of the South American country in the restocking of animals, shows its effects. The 400,000 calves born in 2016, will follow the 200,000 planned for the current year, while the cattle population by the end the quota year will touch 54.7 million head, the highest in years. According to the USDA, it is no shortage of heavy steers, while the exchange rate and competition from competing countries penalise the export of meat. According to Sauer writes Report, the local market of raw tanning materials laments a stagnation for the time frame between the increased availability and lower demand, the offer attracted foreign mostly Brazilian
Argentina increased slaughter and export of meat in 2017, but foreign competition stifles the market