Brazil, green cooperation deal between the tanning and livestock industries

Brazil, green cooperation deal between the tanning and livestock industries

In Brazil the tanning and livestock industries have signed a green cooperation deal that allows them to work on joint objectives.  The underwriters were CICB, the association that represents the tanning industry of the country, and ABIEC, the association representing exporters of meat of bovine origin.

Green cooperation deal

CICB and ABIEC have stated they signed a cooperation deal with the main players of the two chains they represent. The goal is to work together on the social and environmental sustainability fronts, with a special focus on traceability. The action items touch operations, deliveries, data collection and analysis inside tanneries, in relation to Brazilian legislations and countries importing Brazilian products. The two associations are still figuring the plan out, but they are certain that sharing best practices in every phase of the production cycles (tanning and meat processing), is in everybody’s interest given the relationship between the two.

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