A risky situation, which is complicating paradoxically an economy still in search of its identity. European tanners are sharing the same complaint. Since last October, raw material holders are pushing on the cattle prices disturbingly (especially certain types, such as veal France and the Netherlands), by raising prices. It’s a paradoxical situation, because today the supply of raw material is greater than the demand, with the global perspective (from Europe to the United States) that slaughter goes on growing, unlike the purchase of a market which, however, remain stable. In some cases, the upward pressure has touched quota of 20%. In the meantime, European tanners wait for APLF Hong Kong, scheduled for next week (March 29 to 31), to investigate the situation and to share it with their Asian “colleagues” to understand how to deal with it.
Raw material under too much pressure. European tanners”: “Worrying and dangerous situation”