JBS invested 900 million real (about 204 million euro) in sustainability, employee training, innovation and quality in 2018. The Brazilian giant active in the meat and tanning industries publicized its investments in its Sustainability report. On the document one may read how the group invested, at a global level, 300 million real in employee safety, over 230 million in food safety and quality, 38.5 million in innovation and 160 million in projects tied to energy efficiency. And if that wasn’t enough, JBS allocated 88.2 million real to animal welfare, 62,5 million for wastewater treatment, and 27 million for water-saving initiatives. To keep up with JBS’s actions, Margrig decided to entrust to Paulo Pianez, ex-manager at French multinational Carrefour, with the role of Environmental sustainability and Social Responsibility executive.
The sustainable effort of Brazil’s meat industry: JBS invested 900 million in 2018, Marfrig names a new executive