USDA, the United States Department of Agriculture, provides figures about slaughtering. The starting point is that in 2017 all red meat manufacturing countries increased the number of livestock units: The United States first, +6 per cent on annual basis, then Brazil, China and India, +1/2 per cent; as for the Eurozone countries, growth was remarkable, limited though. Looking at 2018, USDA expects slaughtering figures to go up considerably, more than the year before, on a worldwide scale. Such boost will be primarily driven by Brazil, whose market is considered to be more dynamic; China and the EU will run steadily, whereas (for different reasons, in our opinion) The USA and India will slow down. On the whole, USDA predicts that in 2018 around one more million bovine livestock units will be slaughtered, compared to 2017. The major players of the meat industry will move on alike: Argentina will reach 13 million livestock units (+4 per cent), Australia will increase by 5 per cent (8 million units); conversely, Mexico will keep steady (6 million units).
USDA provides data over 2018 slaughtering: the USA and India to slow down, South America on top