In preparation for the holiday shopping season, some luxury retailers such as Nordstrom, Bloomingdale’s and Barneys New York, will put on their shelves a reduced selection of bags. Their aim is to “differentiate themselves from the competitors “considering that the offering has become excessively (and dangerously) homogeneous. “By reducing the variety of collections offered and by choosing them wisely, will help to sell accessories at full price” declared to Bloomberg Katie Smith, Senior Fashion & Retail Market Analyst at Edited (a market research company linked to data analysis) confirming that the major risk for leather goods in the US it is the oversupply that leads to the need of too many sales. Edited’s report unveiled that in the quarter ending on the 31st of August, Nordstrom and Bloomingdale’s have introduced, respectively, 23% and 3% fewer bags offering compared to +5% and +11% in the same period of 2015. For Barneys that percentage dropped by 41% compared to +46 in 2015.
‘Less is more’: US department stores to reduce leather goods offering. “It will sell better and at full price”