Sotheby's takes over the luxury resale market with Buy Now

Sotheby’s takes over the luxury resale market with Buy Now

The Hermès Birkin. The Louis Vuitton x Supreme trunk. Michael Jordan‘s first shoes. For Sotheby’s to be having auctions, often going for important figures, leather garments and accessories is nothing new. So, the launch of the Buy Now online platform might seem like a simple set-up: a place to concentrate the sales that were once […]

The next future of Italian leather: an interview with Luca Pretto (Pasubio)

The next future of Italian leather: an interview with Luca Pretto (Pasubio)

What do Italian leather and its industry need and what is going to happen in the very next future? Such questions sound rather complicated, especially considering 2020 overall situation. Luca Pretto (chief owner of Venetian Pasubio tannery, in the picture), who joined, at the beginning of December, UNIC – Italian Tanneries’ General Board, answered those […]

Lineapelle goes to London: a project with College of Fashion | UAL

Lineapelle goes to London: a project with College of Fashion | UAL

A new training project for Linapelle. It will involve about 50 students and will have the “goal to promote the excellence of leather, as well as its circular and sustainable nature”. The students come from an internationally renowned institute: the London College of Fashion | UAL. Project with College of Fashion | UAL “The project developed by Lineapelle in partnership […]

Schütt is the new CEO of TFL, Amann to join the supervisory board

Schütt is the new CEO of TFL, Amann to join the supervisory board

Wolfgang Schütt is the new CEO of TFL. The giant in the manufacturing of chemicals for the leather industry announced, in the last few hours, the recent appointment of the manager to the company. Schütt (in the picture, right) takes over then by replacing Peter Amann (in the picture, left), who is going to join […]

US leather asks Joe Biden to “stop Trade War, far too costly indeed”

Although, as a matter of fact, still he is not permanently residing at the White House, Biden is formally “the President-elect”, as they addressed him in the letter layout. Yet US leather industry has already submitted its first request to Joe Biden (in the picture, by Shutterstock, together with US vice-President Kamala Harris): they firmly...


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A no-way-out year as LHCA certifies exports below zero over 10 months

A no-way-out year as LHCA certifies exports below zero over 10 months

Exports have gone below zero over ten months. Data recently provided by LHCA (Leather and Hide Council of America) highlight the situation and make it crystal clear. In fact, from January till October 2020 the United States have sold a smaller quantity of raw hides and skins and wet blue as well. Exports below zero […]

The EU (Germany in the lead) allocates 100 million euros for Bangladeshi industry

The EU (Germany in the lead) allocates 100 million euros for Bangladeshi industry

Over 100 million euros to support the Bangladeshi industry and its employees. The European Union, and Germany in the lead, are about to allocate such funds in favour of the workers employed in leather goods and footwear manufacturing plants. For Bangladeshi industry Altogether, Bangladesh will receive from Europe 113 million euros. This money fund is […]

Trade fairs 2021: Futurmoda postponed one month, ILM presents virtual format

Trade fairs 2021: Futurmoda postponed one month, ILM presents virtual format

In Spain, Futurmoda has been postponed one month, “waiting for the pandemic situation to get better hopefully”. In Germany, ILM, a leather goods trade show, has presented its virtual format: it is due to run simultaneously (in March 2021) with the physical one. Futurmoda postponed one month Futurmoda (an international exhibition of components and machinery […]

"What's better than leather?" Asks Burke, CEO of Vuitton

“What’s better than leather?” Asks Burke, CEO of Vuitton

“Are there better materials than leather? Is it better to have a bag that disintegrates after 12 months, or to have one that you can be resold in 50 years, like Louis Vuitton ones?” Michael Burke, CEO of Louis Vuitton, asks this rhetorically, in a long interview published on Business of Fashion. A dialogue that […]

PETA attacks Vuitton, the brand responds (from a distance) like this

PETA attacks Vuitton, the brand responds (from a distance) like this

“Somebody’s moral is somebody else’s life”. While PETA attacks Louis Vuitton on ostrich leathers, the CEO of the French fashion house, Michael Burke, underlines the extremism of these associations, accusing them of not accepting dialogue. He does it in a wide-ranging interview published on Business of Fashion. In it, without explicitly referring to PETA, Burke […]

Moncler’s first acquisition: 1.15 billion for Stone Island

Moncler’s first acquisition: 1.15 billion for Stone Island

Moncler concludes its first acquisition by investing 1.15 billion euro. “This crisis could be an opportunity. We can’t allow ourselves to sit and do nothing for 2 or 3 years”, said Remo Ruffini during the Voices 2020 summit, which was organized by Business of Fashion. And it did. Stone Island was one of Moncler’s competitors, […]

Pasubio: a deal with Intesa San Paolo to support its chain

Pasubio: a deal with Intesa San Paolo to support its chain

The name is Programma Filiere, and it makes 10 billion euro available to facilitate access to liquidity by SMBs that support Italian manufacturing. The entity that offers this credit line is Intesa San Paolo, with which Veneto-based tannery Pasubio has already underwritten an agreement. Goal is to support its supply chain. Here is how and […]

Upgrading Faeda: the new headquarters, ICEC Ecoleathers certification

Upgrading Faeda: the new headquarters, ICEC Ecoleathers certification

The opening of the new headquarters in Montorso Vicentino. Obtaining the Ecoleathers certification, issued by ICEC. “A fundamental piece within the development strategy of the company, in which we have invested and through which we have refined the production process”. These are the words of Alberto Caneva, Faeda’s CEO, a Venetian tanning group which, despite a […]

Certifying Ecoleathers, the real one: ICEC explains how and why

Certifying Ecoleathers, the real one: ICEC explains how and why

The standard on which it is based is UNI 11427. Its objective is “product certification of leathers with reduced environmental impact”. Shortly put, we are talking about Ecoleathers: the real one. Not the one boasted in marketing terms by too many (alleged) alternative materials. A certification that allows a tannery to boast the Ecoleathers logo and […]

Trump now plans to resolve the trade war with the EU: the luxury segment celebrates

Trump now plans to resolve the trade war with the EU: the luxury segment celebrates

Peace will be made between the United States and the EU. The Former plans to eliminate numerous duties on many European products within the next two months. Donald Trump himself is leading the charge: the exiting president wants to resolve the trade war with the EU. By doing so, the tycoon may be able to...


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Escada is saved, up to a point

Escada is saved, up to a point

It appears to be the re-shuffling of many pieces of a puzzle. And at the end, some are lost. In other words, Escada managed to save itself with no outside help, but up to a point. The German brand filed for bankruptcy in September, or rather it was Escada SE, a subsidiary, to do so. […]

Hublot and Berluti join forces to create a watch that glorifies leather

Hublot and Berluti join forces to create a watch that glorifies leather

Hublot and Berluti join forces once more. 4 years ago,  the two companies had collaborated to bring excitement to those fond of luxury watches as well as collectors. Now they are back with a new high-end chronograph. Hublot and Berluti The craftsmanship of the two luxury entities takes shape in the new Big Bang Unico […]

It is Brexit at this point: what is going to change for leather at UK customs

It is Brexit at this point: what is going to change for leather at UK customs

Transitional period is due to expire on December 31st. It is Brexit at this point: from 1st January 2021, the United Kingdom, which withdrew from the European Union on 31st January 2020, is going to become a “third-party country” for the companies of the European community. During the transitional period things have remained the same...


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UK to start anti-CRV vaccination: meat calls for priority

UK to start anti-CRV vaccination: meat calls for priority

In the United Kingdom they are gearing up for it. In fact, in the second week of December the Brits might start launching the anti-coronavirus vaccination campaign. In London they are preparing for distributing the first doses of the vaccine, created by Pfizer and BionTech; furthermore, as reported by the Guardian, they are about to […]

UNIC: the Assembly renews the presidency and takes stock of 2020

UNIC: the Assembly renews the presidency and takes stock of 2020

Renewing the presidency. Taking the stock 2020. UNIC – Italian Tanneries held its Annual Assembly, in an unprecedented and inevitable digital mode. The appointment coincided with the election of its new president, and with the economic analysis of the first 8 months of 2020. UNIC Assembly renews the presidency UNIC – Italian Tanneries has elected […]