Bonaudo and Sciarada explain leather's sustainability - VIDEO

Bonaudo and Sciarada explain sustainability of leather – VIDEO

A path, virtuous in purpose and results, which has developed over the years and which is updated on a daily basis. And which is made of technological and process innovation, certifications and personal commitment. Milan Digital Fashion Week dedicates space, in its offer of multimedia contents, to the sustainability of Italian leather. And it does […]

Everyone is asking for slow luxury? Incas answer with Slow Leather

Everyone is asking for slow luxury? Incas answer with Slow Leather

A tanning process that takes all the time necessary to reach the set quality standards. Since Giorgio Armani opened the debate, with the now historic letter to WWD, on slow luxury, the theme is a must in the fashion system. Incas answer with Slow Leather. The production process from Il Veliero division “recovers the slowness […]

Hermés acquires accessories manufacturer J3L, while Bali Berret leaves her post

Hermés acquires accessories manufacturer J3L, while Bali Berret leaves

There is movement inside Hermès. On one side the French brand is strengthening its direct control of the supply chain, while on the other it finds itself managing a difficult departure. Bali Barret, creative director of the Women division (footwear and leather goods included), decided to leave. The brand got the go-ahead from Autorité de […]

Reshoring and crisis: Tunisia’s “good compromise”

Reshoring and crisis: Tunisia’s “good compromise”

What is happening to Tunisia’s leather chain while reshoring and crisis take place? Due to Covid-19, “30% of companies in the segment has yet to restart activities”, explains Akram Belhaj, president of Fédération du Cuir et de la Chaussure to La Presse. The “national market struggles, along with that of lower and medium tier footwear....


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Boxmark continues to cut jobs: 280 more people laid off in Slovenia

Boxmark continues to cut jobs: 280 more people laid off in Slovenia

Boxmark Leather continues to cut jobs. The company that manufactures leather for auto seats, airplanes and boats, is also active as a contractor. Headquartered in Austria, it has many sites in Europe and around the world, one of which is in Slovenia. The company presented a restructuring plan for this location in which it plans […]

Myanmar, a commercial plan to save the crocodiles

Myanmar, a commercial plan to save the crocodiles

Save the crocodiles of Myanmar. To reach this goal the local government announced it will allow the farming of the animals for commercial reasons. The decision will allow entities to control the number of units and safeguarding the species, but it will also support the activities of an historic farm. Saving Myanmar’s crocodiles The Ministry […]

Forecasts for New Zealand’s tanning are good after the merger

Forecasts for New Zealand’s tanning are good after the merger

Forecasts for New Zealand’s tanning are good. There have been a great deal acquisitions and sales in New Zealand over the last 2 years. And while at an earlier time companies were trying to get free of the business tied sub-products, they now are a focus for investments. All with the unfair promotion of vegan […]

A New Point of View: over 300 online registrations 2 months ahead of kick-off

A New Point of View: over 300 online registrations 2 months ahead of kick-off

Lineapelle, which promotes and arranges the event, considers it “not only a sign of vitality and participation, but also a real message of recovery and pragmatism”. We are talking about A New Point Of View.  They are currently setting up the organization of the “smart” exhibition event, on the agenda at Fieramilano Rho on 22-23 […]

Tod's, Versace and the stars of Milan Digital Fashion Week

Tod’s, Versace and the stars of Milan Digital Fashion Week

“Restless”. Fashion is shouting, with Tod’s, Versace and the stars of Milan Fashion Week, with its desire to get back on track, as if the echo of Adriano Pappalardo’s famous song resonated. We have reached the end of Milan Digital Fashion Week, Friday (July 17) the event was closed by the very much awaited Gucci’s […]

Gucci’s Epilogue: 12 hours to “bring out the entrails of fashion”

Gucci’s Epilogue: 12 hours to “bring out the entrails of fashion”

“To turn things upside down”. “To bring out the entrails of fashion”. This is Alessandro Michele’s intent. And perhaps it always has been. Five years ago he reinvented Gucci’s style, and they said it was “disruptive”. Friday, July 17, 2020, in the post-pandemic era that need to be redefined, as well as at the end […]

Salvatore Ferragamo’s shoemaking factory is like a flash forward movie   

Salvatore Ferragamo’s shoemaking factory is like a flash forward movie   

Organization. Proficiency and expertise. Passion. Such are the three main ingredients of Salvatore Ferragamo’s shoemaking factory. These elements, along with the ambition of employees currently working in the Florence plant, are the ones that make feasible the manufacturing of top-quality shoes. According to Vanity Fair, observing the process is like “watching a fast forward movie”....


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Despite crisis, Maroquinerie 35 expands and redoubles factories

Despite crisis, Maroquinerie 35 expands and redoubles factories

Maroquinerie 35 expands. The French company, which is a contractor for leather goods made by fashion top brands, is about to enlarge its own plants located in the town of Liffré, not far from Rennes. Here they formerly opened a factory in September 2019; now they have focused their interest on a neighbouring plot of […]

Futurmoda have cancelled October edition due to excessive uncertainty

Futurmoda have cancelled October edition due to excessive uncertainty

Futurmoda have cancelled October edition. Since they cancelled the exhibition event, formerly scheduled on October 21-22, the fair next edition, number 44, will take place in Alicante on 10-11 March 2021. “We are awfully sorry about such decision, as we are fully aware of repercussions for our trade industry – remarked organizers, the AEC association, […]

ACLE stop and look ahead at 2021 after cancelling September edition

ACLE stop and look ahead at 2021 after cancelling September edition

ACLE stop. In fact, the All China Leather Exhibition organizers have eventually backed off. Following last June public announcement, CLIA (China Leather Industry Association) and APLF have decided to cancel the exhibition event scheduled on 1-3 September 2020. They made such decision after the Chinese government imposed a 14-day-long quarantine on all travellers visiting the […]

Indian and Bangladeshi tanning does not take off again due to provisions and cash

Indian and Bangladeshi tanning does not take off again due to provisions and cash

Indian and Bangladeshi tanning does not take off again as leather industry is still affected by CRV crisis. On the one hand, in New Delhi they are concerned, most of all, about the financial issues and economic repercussions caused by the pandemic: apparently, so far, measures implemented by Modi government look rather ineffective after all. […]

Paris Fashion Week: leather is the protagonist of the digital edition

Paris Fashion Week: leather is the protagonist of the digital edition

Different forms, presentations, languages. With all the new rules dictated by anti-Covid security measures, the first digital Paris Fashion Week did not disappoint expectations in its own way. In other words, each brand has been able to find an original way to show the world their men’s collections for summer 2021 and, in some cases, […]

Tanners and designers explain the responsibility of leather

Tanners and designers explain the responsibility of leather

Fulvia Bacchi, CEO of Lineapelle, said: “Covid-19 has not changed the situation, but has accelerated the need for answers and changes”. Sustainability had already become the priority of the public opinion and, in a world struggling with the pandemic “positions of circumstances” are no longer enough, continues Bacchi, as well as “the general acceptance of […]

ICEC Anti-Covid certification: the number of companies is increasing

ICEC Anti-Covid certification: the number of companies is increasing

The list gets longer. The number of companies is increasing. We are talking about ICEC certification scheme developed “so that the leather sector can not only react, but manage the Covid-19 emergency”. The certified tanneries are now 8. The number of companies is increasing Eight, as we said, are the tanneries that have obtained the […]

Burberry down by 48%, but leather goods in Asia take off in June

Burberry down by 48%, but leather goods take off in Asia

Burberry left about half of its revenue behind during the first fiscal quarter (which closed on June 27th, 2020). The brand expects to lose between 15% and 20% during the 2nd quarter, compared to 2019, which further confirms the savings’ strategy being implemented by the brand and that includes layoffs. The one positive note arrives […]